Wednesday, October 02, 2019

When does impeachment begin?

My understanding is that the US House is on recess except for the six committees involved in the impeachment investigation. Those six committees will have to submit their findings to the US House Intelligence Committee to compile the Articles of Impeachment. That task could not be in better hands as the Chairman is Senator Adam Shiff. He is a tried and true man of the people and being a Harvard Law Grad always helps. The Articles will be submitted to the US Senate for trial. That means there needs to be evidence to support the Articles to bring about a vote on any one or more Articles.

Evidently, by subpoenas issued or statements by some Democrats, there is evidence that has to be secured. To that end, Guiliani and Pompeo are trying to inhibit the evidence they obviously believe exists from reaching the US House. Why these men are so desperate to hide the truth is the question of the day, the USA Constitution demands the truth, so if these men are taking their oath of office seriously, it should be effortless to provide the information at the first asking of Congress. But, instead the desperate Guiliani runs as fast as he can to constitutional scholars that stated to sue the individuals in the US House that are basically harassing them. It is another bizarre Guiliani attempt to STALL the inevitable impeachment.

The only person that anyone really needs to hear from in regard to needed evidence is Speaker Pelosi. It was obvious she intended to move as quickly as possible to complete the Articles of Impeachment because of the danger to the country that was obvious in the conversation the American people know has taken place between Trump and Ukraine President Zelensky. 

There is some evidence to be gathered next week with the open and willing testimony of Former Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker. I am sure what he has to say is important and will help conclude the investigation.

I think I need the read the complaint and conversation and record it here.