Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Continued from previous entry - Complaint Page 1 B

The Whistleblower was provided the information on which the conclusion is drawn in the course of daily duties. The information accumulated over four months. The idea of this being a single occurrence is wrong. This is a single reporting, HOWEVER, the information accumulated over four months of which were from multiple sources. There is every reason to believe the persons involved in this complaint are as concerned as the Whistleblower. This complaint becomes more and more upsetting the more the description of the effort behind the scenes of this complaint is described. I really believe those exposed to Trump on a regular basis are afraid for the country. That cannot be overlooked. These folks are committed to the country to begin with and to have them this upset is nothing to toy with.




These folks are secretaries to OFFICIAL, it is six officials of the USA Government behind this complaint. None of this can be taken lightly and Trump's willingness to call this a coup only provides an insight into the deeply troubled president himself. 

There is an expression my Grandfather used to say when trying to set my head straight in my early teens, "Your right, it is the world that is wrong, huh?" That applies to Trump.

The Whistleblower didn't take the basis of this complaint lightly. I am sure the path this complaint was to take on the way to Congress carried brevity with the Whistleblower. The content of the complaint HAD TO BE CLEAR AND CONCISE AND REPEATEDLY VALIDATED so the Congress' time wasn't wasted. Besides, that false reporting of such criminality of a sitting president would not be treated lightly. So, the Whistleblower probably had many starts and stops when thinking it necessary to write this complaint, but, as her/his concerns continued to be validated over and over the complaint became inevitable.

That is interesting.

"a serious or flagrant problem, abuse or violation of law or Executive Order." Who would consider an Executive Order as a basis of this complaint? This Whistleblower is somebody with enough government background to draw on every aspect of law governing the Executive Branch. No matter, that is my own meanderings. The Whistleblower is trying in the most diligent way to convey the urgency of this complaint and wants those reading the complaint to realize it is based in solid legal brevity and not the opinions in the public realm. The law is stated for a second time to carry that same urgent brevity the Whistleblower is sincerely wishing the reader to understand. This author of the complaint really means every word. I hope everyone is as dedicated to the country as this person is when reading this complaint and the supporting attachment.

The reason the Whistleblower is proceeding through ABSOLUTE legal channels is that it is a matter of national security. Whoever is writing this complaint is extremely careful that no loophole or legal misstep inhibits it's progressing to a successful end. The complaint continues the effort that every American wants, in having USA elections without interference. 

I like this person. 

Continued in next entry.