Sunday, March 08, 2015

Wallace really "lost it" when victimizing Lanny Davis.

Mr. Davis is an attorney and long time supporter and friend of the Clinton family. They are lucky they have such a magnificent friend. But, if one believes in Democracy and the Democratic political agendas it is only realistic to know there are going to be those that share the same view of the world. Mr. Davis is one of those people, dedicated to the message and the law translated by that message.

He openly disputed every one of the charges by Chris Wallace.

To begin with all the emails of concern from former Secretary Clinton has been handled within the letter of the law and was completely submitted in December 2014. The former Secretary has not submitted the emails within the last few weeks. The fact of the matter is the State Department has the emails and hasn't released them yet. Mr. Davis has pointed out that the former Secretary has publically asked the State Department to release the emails to the public now. 

Within that request is the understanding the former Secretary knows what the emails contain and is concerned they are classified. However, her knowledge is fresh only as soon as two years ago. My first thought when Mr. Davis stated she is the only Secretary of State that has asked the State Department to release the emails to the public now; was circumstances may have changed on Secretary Kerry and some of the content of the emails could be more sensitive now than before. I think that is a reasonable thing to say.