Sunday, March 08, 2015

Mr. Gration stated he found problems with the government email system...

 ...and gave voice to these problems to DC. He found commercial accounts helpful in his work and used private emails. Former Ambassador Gration stated he never did anything unlawful. Those are the same words Former Secretary Clinton states, but, because she has a female voice it is completely disregarded. As a matter of fact the former Ambassador to Kenya's male voice is not taking on the character of a greater moral content than Former Secretary Clinton. Following up on the hatred of women is Issa.

When U.S. Ambassador to Kenya Scott Gration (click here) resigned his position early this morning, he said in an emailed statement, “differences with Washington regarding my leadership style and certain priorities lead me to believe that it's now time to leave."...

It is stated former Ambassador Gration was released from his position for other reasons than using private email accounts. But, because the right wing media has demands for a witch hunt the USA Congress budget and committees will continue to be spending taxpayer monies for political reasons.

Former Secretary Clinton has already stated she has not broken any laws, the "Requirement to Preserve" was respected and the emails have been sent to the State Department. There isn't anything else to say. 

Former Secretary of State Clinton is being held to a far different standard than any other Secretary of State. I would like to hear from Former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice regarding this power play to defame and speculate by the media. 

The standard shift against Former Secretary Clinton is the insistence the emails would be pivotal to the Benghazi attacks when in fact she has already testified to the Congress. Those 55 thousand emails encompass far more then any Benghazi attack. There has been an investigation into Benghazi by a non-partisan committee, but, the US House has never accepted that report as the quintessential resolve to the attacks.

Jeb Bush has cherry picked his emails to the public and did not openly disclose he has a personal email account used during his governorship.

The idea Former Secretary Clinton was suppose to modify HER BEHAVIOR to accommodate a good political outcome in the future is the most ridiculous statement I have heard yet. Her authority as Secretary of State was never compromised by a personal email account.

Noted yesterday in attendance was former President Bush at the Selma ceremony and President Obama's speech. Former President Bush participated by standing in ovation of President Obama's speech. I appreciated that.