Sunday, March 08, 2015

The NEW Democratic Party.

There is great opportunity for the Democratic Party to have the economic answers for the younger generations in our country. 

These generations have sincere problems and they primarily stem from hideous student loan debt. They came out of college to a collapsed job market. Their entire generation has too many problems with debt that there simply is no opportunity to own their own futures. That is a huge problem and one that includes national security.

The priorities articulated from Republicans is more of the same and that translates into recession, loss of forward movement by the economy and a return to poverty and a shrinking Middle Class. We can't afford to let that happen.

Earlier this week I posted a graph about the impact of the governorship of Scott Walker on Wisconsin. The Wisconsin trend is small, but, it is persistent. This is the Republican policies at work. 

I want Democrats to think just a little differently now in that let's say Scott Walker and his economic trend continues forever, what occurs?

The South occurs. If Wisconsin is allowed to wallow in the trends of it's present Governor eventually austerity will implode any economic trend, minimize the state government and create a permanently impoverished state such as Alabama or Mississippi.

The problem with Southern states is their entrenched poverty. The political culture dictates tax cuts and minimizing government. 

The impoverishment of people and their economy doesn't happen immediately, it happens over time as the residuals are tapped within any state treasury. Tapping financial residuals was the sole ambition of the "W" White House. That administration wanted to remove any amount of dollars from any reserve in the government and call it an efficient use of government. The practice delayed the potential to increase taxes and was a false front to the economic tragedy on the way.

The Dems have to establish themselves as the party that can provide promise to the people in real and measurable ways. Every Democrat needs to understand the Middle Class economy of President Obama and embrace it as the best option for the people of the USA. 

I might point out, that the political social agenda of the Democrats is coming full circle under President Obama. Women and minorities are finding their footing economically and in influence to their own lives and esteem. We needed to have President Obama in the White House to move the country forward. The country can't afford the impoverished policies of the Republicans. 

The LGBT Community is becoming better established as fully entitled to the USA laws and experience. I am confident Same Sex Marriage across the USA is only a short time away. 

The Democrats have a lot of work to do yet. There are issues regarding the disabled of the USA and their funds and why it is not a give away program so much as one that is necessary to those in our country sincerely cast into a physical state that is not conducive for work. SSI, Medicare and Medicaid are vital programs. Recently, the Children's Health Insurance Program was questioned to it's effectiveness in protecting American children from poor health and disease. How many children aren't receiving vaccines because their families can't afford it?

The Democrats have to remain viable and provide the footing for minorities, women and children. When the work is done we will have a functional democracy as was intended by the Founders.