Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Today's Editorial

I did not know that part of the job description for POTUS was cheerleader for the US military.

Evidently President Obama has been drinking a new brand of tea, because, the USA isn't the ONLY country in the world with the capacity it now has. Albeit, it is the most expensive damn military, but, it isn't all that unique. As a matter of fact the Chinese have a brand, spanking new aircraft carrier that has a launch pad that will send jets sky bound as if attempting to reach the moon. The Chinese cannot say they have a flat top, because it isn't.

It never surprises me how much air the USA military blows joy up the pant leg of the Commander and Chief. They are dedicated beyond belief to the power they hold. No doubt in my mind. They are so dedicated they conduct illegal and immoral wars into the Middle East to benefit Halliburton.

How many Americans today would expect our military to re-enter a war zone even though people of the country had no regard for it?

Now many hands on that.

How many Americans want all the troops home rather than overseeing disaster after disaster? Make no mistake the Iraq invasion and subsequent war that lasted 8 plus years was an abject disaster.

Okay, okay put your hands down.

How many Americans would like the rest of the world to be self-sufficient so we are not the only military to be deployed when asked?

Yep, same as the previous question.

I am tired of the ASKING. I am especially tired of the lousy circumstances the Republican War Mongers continue to put us in while supported by the world's most expensive media services.

President Obama can pet all the troops on the head forever as far as I am concerned and give them a big cheer for their service to our country. But, send them into harms way when the country itself can't muster enough support to maintain it's borders? 

I don't think so !!!!

We don't belong in Iraq.

We never did.

Troops Out Now!