Thursday, August 01, 2013

"No" Fascinating film.

Of course, the simple yes or no vote removed Augusto Pinochet from his dictatorship.

This was the public face of the revolution, but, it was pivotal. It is doubtful of the regime would have been defeated without the commercials allowed to promote 'ideas.' 

Anyone carry out elections anywhere should watch this film. It was a positive campaign for the "No" vote. The folks that lead the defeat of Pinochet were very interested in building a sense of self, hope, change and a new Chili for the future. The focus of "No" was very much about the future. There was a past element and it was poignant, but, I won't give it away. Everyone should see this picture and realize how easy it can be to slip off the edge of democracy.

But, the political ad campaign was all positive, affirmed the deepest wishes of the people. All Pinochet could do is copy their creativity of the opposition and try to undo the momentum it built. The people Pinochet was behind the "Yes" vote at the point of silly mimicking. 

The ad campaign alone did not change Chili. Many people died in opposition to Pinochet. They died during the elections. 

As I watched film I thought of Zimbabwe. They are entrenched in failure on all fronts of the nation. The currency is worthless. They are now using USA dollars. The government has been under the leadership of Mugabee for over thirty years and it is nearly impossible to unseat him regardless of the failures he has caused.

Perhaps Chili's model should be considered for countries struggling to unseat detrimental power.