Sunday, May 05, 2013

NRA's Royal Family continues it's reign of terror.

Following in his Daddy's footsteps. Considering he lives in Alabama I am sure it is vital to hold on to your job.

He is now president of the NRA. He stated, the Civil War is the "War of Northern Aggression" and says it was started by 'some Yankee generals."

I thought the Yankees had a coach. No? The only war I know about is the one for the World Series. I suppose it is a civil war. Right? I mean if a person has to relate to it differently, civil war is a good analogy.

Does Alabama have a MLB (Major League Baseball)? Maybe that is the breakdown in understanding a coach from a general. Ya think?

That would be a hell of an idea, though. MLB in Alabama. The only problem is they don't have money for stadium and the citizens can't afford the tickets. It would all have to be subsidized by the federal government. Is there such a thing as a federally subsidized baseball ticket?

I got it, Alabama could tax the petroleum companies and build their stadium, right after they rebuild their ports. The team could be called The Alabama Porters.

James W. Porter II, (click here) a resident of Birmingham, Alabama, is the son of Irvine C. Porter, who served as the NRA President from 1959-1960. Porter received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Alabama in 1971, and a law degree from the Cumberland School of Law. While in law school, Porter spent a summer working for John Wilson, who served as outside legal counsel for the NRA in Washington, D.C. Wilson also represented John Ehrlichman and Bob Haldeman during the Watergate hearings in the U.S. Congress. In 2009, Porter was elected as first vice president of the NRA Board of Directors. He had previously served as second vice president and president of the NRA Foundation Board of Trustees....