Sunday, May 05, 2013

New York City Police Commissioner, Ray Kelly, authorized a study about radicalization in The West.

I have some problems with the report in that it concentrates on Muslims. 

I don't think Commissioner Kelly believes Muslims are the only people radicalized. I also don't believe he hates Muslims. Nor do I believe he seeks to remove any other possibility that can cause danger to citizens.

I respect Commissioner Kelly and find his study valuable. It is a good launching point to create a clear understanding of how police and protection from such individuals melds into the practice of law enforcement.

Radicalization happens in the USA, too. It was happening before the attacks of September 11, 2001. I am not sure there is much difference in the process of extremism, which is what radicalization is, but the results no matter the impetus to the thoughts are the same; dead people.

THE RADICALIZATION PROCESS (page 19 of the report - click here)

The radicalization process is composed of four distinct phases:

• Stage 1: Pre-Radicalization

• Stage 2: Self-Identification

• Stage 3: Indoctrination

• Stage 4: Jihadization

Each of these phases is unique and has specific signatures associated with it. All individuals who begin this process do not necessarily pass through all the stages and many, in fact, stop or abandon this process at different points. Moreover, although this model is sequential, individuals do not always follow a perfectly linear progression. However, individuals who do pass through this entire process are quite likely to be involved in a terrorist act.