Friday, February 15, 2013

The draft? The USA doesn't do that anymore. There is no need for it.

Military spending on compulsory service of young people is not a Social Program for creating a unified citizen model. 

No, thank you. We don't need the social engineering. Across the board, every war the USA has entered since Vietnam has resulted in veterans against war. I wonder why that is?

The Iraq War provided a new dimension for Shell Shock, called PTSD. I don't think so. That is all we need, an entire nation on medication post military service.

The Draft Registration should be ended!!!!!!!!!!!

Character building belongs with MOM!

That is going to be the new peace movement, END DRAFT REGISTRATION NOW!!!

A military draft will serve the purpose of the GOP to reduce the number of women voters. Please, their imaginations only move in one direction, how to win the next election. If killing women were a legitimate solution they would seek to start the next great war. 

NO! Get over it.

Is Military Draft for Women the Next Change to Come? (click here)

Posted by Jeanne Sager on January 28, 2013 at 3:14 PM

...As it stands, we do not. The announcement last week from Pentagon chief Leon Panetta, lifting the restrictions on women in the military, does not change the methods followed by the Selective Service. But that hasn't stopped people from calling for the change.
After all, if the draft can call our sons to arms, why not our daughters? If one sexist wall has been broken down, why not the next?...
Was Einstein a Republican? That would make an interesting documentary, "How the GOP destroyed their brain trust?"