Friday, February 15, 2013

Uncle and Aunt Sam wants YOU !

Republicans can't find their own military budget cuts and the entire nation is suppose to trust their young adults to them?

I don't think.

As a matter of fact, I know they are completely untrustworthy. They want to destroy the Department of Education. The federal government has a long way to go before the American people should ever trust them with all of us and behavior modification.

No Way. This is not your father's country anymore.

Dear God whoever came up with that idea? Johnson and Nixon wasn't enough?

The Cold War is over.

End Draft Registration.

We don't need it.

We never did!

They'd be killed by drones. No way. Ain't goin' ta happen anymore. 

Lindsay Graham and Inhofe are wetting their Depends about now.

Don't tell me how ruthlessly stupid these people are. They allowed service of men in their 60s to serve in a war zone in Iraq. If my memory serves me well, there was a 60 something father that went back to the military when his son enlisted. Why not just blow up the entire family and get it over with. That is unconcionable. The Republicans have no moral compass. They are church moral right up to the point where they aren't.

...Army Maj. Steven Hutchison, 60, (click here) was killed in Iraq on Sunday after a homemade bomb went off near his vehicle in Al Farr, according to the Department of Defense.
Richard Hutchison of Scottsdale told The Associated Press on Thursday that his big brother Steven wanted to re-enlist immediately after the 9/11 attacks, but that his wife Candy didn't want him to....

Mushroom clouds, duct tape, Judy Miller, Curveball. Recalling how Americans were sold a bogus case for invasion. (click here)

 CONGRESSIONAL hearing examining the march to war in Iraq, Republican congressman Walter Jones posed "a very simple question" about the administration's manipulation of intelligence: "How could the professionals see what was happening and nobody speak out?"
Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell's former chief of staff, responded with an equally simple answer: "The vice president."...
A draft? Some people have very short memories. Before a draft ever happens again in the USA, THE DANGER has to be KNOWN and not fantasized.

The fact of the matter is there is no major power that is a threat to the USA, but, they sure put up a great front.

(Since mid-2006, (click here) when the new age limit was established, 665 people over 40 have signed enlistment papers.) Both men see this as a way of growing closer and building common interests. This LA Times video captures the two men during pre-training, enlistment and tearful goodbyes with loved ones.

A draft? Of whom, anyone breathing?