Friday, February 15, 2013

More fantasy from FOX News.

What sources, because CNN had sources on the ground in Benghazi, too. So there is nothing magic here.

...Fox News has learned from sources (click here) who were on the ground in Benghazi that an urgent request from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. consulate and subsequent attack several hours later on the annex itself was denied by the CIA chain of command -- who also told the CIA operators twice to "stand down" rather than help the ambassador's team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11....

FOX's claim there is no information coming forward about Benghazi is a LIE. Their own reporting proves that. So, what is the point to the complaint, except, for political rhetoric? There is no basis for the complaints by Senate Republicans regarding the nominations for President Obama. There is political fodder. There are no facts to bear out the complaint. If FOX wants more transparency than their own reporting provides, talk to Wolf Blitzer, they might learn something and pass it on to Lindsay Graham and Inhofe. Graham and Inhofe don't seem to learn from anyone else what facts actually are.

Oh, wait, FOX is looking for the transparency that doesn't exist the Republicans are calling a cover up. Oh, I forgot about the fantasy transparency.

If FOX wants that transparency, then the talking heads simply need to look through their window and they find it. It exists in THE AIR and nowhere else.

Oh, FOX is still chancing the Susan Rice fantasy. How many times does the nation have to hear THE INTELLIGENCE was not sufficient. How many times does the nation need to hear about Italian air bases and unarmed drones? When is this news agency actually going to be an asset to the nation rather than nothing more then trouble makers for the their own ratings purpose?

Those who have accused (click here for Daily Show video) the Obama administration of a cover up in the wake of the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi are "dead wrong, and they are in fact doing a disservice to those we lost," U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice said Thursday on the "Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

"Those that have accused"? Who exactly is that? Because if I read my tea leaves correctly, it is those with a political chip in the game. So, what is the point? What does this accomplish? Ratings? I mean where is the relevance in all this junk?