Thursday, February 07, 2013

I congratulate the President. I think the Congressmen and Congresswomen will provide some resonance about the program.

...Obama (click here) directed the Justice Department to provide access to the secret document to members of the Senate and House intelligence committees, an administration official said Wednesday. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the Senate committee's chairman, said the legal opinion would be provided to her committee by Thursday morning....

I doubt oversight will change anything. It is a good idea by the President, but, Congress are cowards. They won't seek to balance citizen constitutional rights against national security. And forget Republicans on this; ie: warrantless wire taps, detentions, torture, etc.

I think the best outcome here has to include a crystal clear definition as to what 'intelligence gathering' comprises. Does voyeurism of elected officials include intelligence? Is that considered a national security threat? Do we need a J. Edgar Hoover drone? There is progress that can be pursued.