Monday, December 12, 2011

Teenage Growth & Development: 11-14 Years

  • body fat increases
  • breasts begin to enlarge
  • pubic hair grows
  • height and weight increase
  • first menstrual period occurs
  • hips widen
  • underarm hair grows
  • skin and hair become more oily
  • pimples may appear
Girls start to develop secondary sex characteristics earlier than boys, so to believe firls are allowing concentual sex between herself and a boy is a bit off the mark. 

The physical changes that take place during puberty are caused by hormones.

A girl will usually get her first period around the same age that her mother did.

Because teens want to fit in, most choose friends whose interests, activities, and values are similar to their own.

Talking on the phone is one way teens develop their social skills.

I would expect young teens can be influenced by demands of older teens or family without a great deal of difficulty.  They are very vulnerable and society is not suppose to leave them allow a greater victimization, but, provide for their safety in all aspects, physically, socially and psychologically.  I don't see this age group and their growth and development placed on the shelf because they are insulting women's rights due to a new precedent.  That is victimization.  Women's rights belongs in this fight and it is more than appropriate advocates treat the 'age appropriate' happiness accordingly.