Monday, December 12, 2011

Morality when it comes to intimacy is important.

I was quite surprised to hear highly regarded women advocates actually compare this to children's aspirin.  There is a huge difference and the analogy does not carry weight.

I don't approve of the price of the product, it is prohibitive. but until there is a generic people are stuck with the high price.

The idea that young women of the age of 11 years old should actually be able to access emergency contraception is irresponsible.  Not that it isn't safe, the FDA has already stated it would be safe enough for younger women/girls to take the medication.  The idea a society would consent to allow an eleven year old girl become pregnant without intervening is the issue.  These girls should not be pregnant, providing an emergency contraceptive without a perscription from a licensed medical doctor or a planned parenthood clinic should be illegal. 

While I value the women advocates for all they do there is a stark reality no one is facing.  The intervention by the Secretary of Health and Human Services is not a precedent that cannot be overcome when it is about women 'of age' or 'majority.'  This prohibition of "Plan B" for young girls/women carries a 'criminal' content.  To allow young women to believe they can and have to protect themselves from exploitation by using Plan B without supervision or knowledge is only a very viable venue for child abuse.