Monday, March 07, 2011

Is General Petraeus still commander?

Gen. David Petraeus, (click title to entry - thank you) the commander of the International Security Assistance Forces in Afghanistan, walks with Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Monday, March 7, upon Gates' arrival in Kabul....
I am just as sick about losing American soldiers as Karzai is losing his civilians.  It is especially sad when that is children. 
So, does Karzai want us there or not, because the truth be known we rather leave.
The truth is that Former Commander Stanley McCrystal might have some interesting insight.
Secretary Gates needs to investigate the 'influence' the House and Senate has on the actions of USA military.  The new House members tend to like to kill and quite possibly General Petraeus may be feeling obliged to 'make it happen' in ways that is compromising to sincere efforts to rid Afghanistan of its corruption.
Seriously, Secretary Gates needs to make sure his Commander doesn't see 'communing' with the new Tea Party Patriots as a benefit to outcomes for the military budget.  There should be no 'fan club' for any member of the military when there are soldiers engaged with their lives.