Monday, March 07, 2011

If I could make a wish for the Libyan people it would be to stop fighting.

They are more important than their plans for freedom.  If they stopped fighting today, it is not a victory for Gaddhfi.

The people of Libya have made lasting impressions on the global community.

They are not alone. 

If every Libyan stopped confronting Gaddafi today, the people would not be relinquished to Gaddhfi by the rest of the world.  We know their longings more than they do and we will not forego their victory simply because they are quiet.

If munitions are running low and their desperate dictator is using THEIR military against them, they need to know they are not hopelessly lost.  The world is watching.  We are resolved.  This will not an end in their 'quiet waiting.'

...Al Jazeera television (click title to entry for video - thank you)  said rebels had rejected an offer by Gaddafi to hold a meeting of parliament to work out a deal under which he would step down....