Sunday, February 13, 2011

There are three opinions of what occurred in the 2010 elections.

...Independent groups (click title to entry - thank you) have reported spending $270 million so far, but that number does not include tens of millions of dollars more that were not disclosed to the Federal Election Commission. Much of the money has been spent by nonprofit groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that do not have to reveal the sources of funds.... 

Now, since President Obama already installed a commission to review the debt and deficit and make recommendations, then why would the elections be about that?

According to President Obama the 2010 elections were about bi-partisanship and how the country wanted everyone to work together.  I find that a slightly more realistic, but, there is 'an elephant in the living room' everyone seems to be ignoring.  

The 2010 Elections were 'bought' wherever possible by the plutocracy while the Pre-Election Senate obstructed campaign finance reform after the hideous decision regarding corporations beings citizens even though they don't breath oxygen.

THAT, more than anything is what the 2010 Elections were all about and I still don't see cooperation in the Senate to 'REVERSE' the hideous Robert's Court Decision.  The 2010 Elections were corrupted by huge amounts of corporate and special interest groups monies with PR campaigns laced densely with lies, manipulation and deceit.  Now, until that is fixed I don't see anyone having the right to try to derail 'the truth' about the outcome of the 2010 Elections, including the President.

So, nice try Boner, but, can the House sincerely do something for the country in the next two years besides rhetorical circuses and draconian budget cuts that will destroy the fabric of our country and imperil our planet?  Okay?