Sunday, February 13, 2011

Oddly, the fascination with corpse ends with abortion. Or so it would seem.

This is not a baby.  It is fetal tissue.  For all we know it could be a miscarriage.

The Focus on the Family shows claim abortion is accepted in the USA because of a 'culture of death.'  How convenient.  "Lie to Me" is a Murdoch production.  But, to point to a 'culture of death' in the USA as a reason for abortion is about as moronic as the statement Focus made regarding abortion causing high joblessness rates.  No word of a lie.  Focus on the Family stated over the radio waves that if there was no abortion the USA would not have joblessness today.  The reasoning behind it is all those abortions would be consumers of services and would also require jobs.  Focus stated, there would be 24 - 7 car production at every car manufacturer in the USA if abotion was outlawed.

Okay.  Then why are the China and India lagging in quality of life?  Low wages?  Ah, huh?  The 'standard' that high populations in a society will guarantee high employment and economic boom doesn't track.  Anyone want to explain 'credit default swaps' to the Focus folks?  They might want to review The Great Depression as well.

When do the sensibilities of the American woman stop?  Abortion decisions are complicated and individual.  Knock it off.  It is legal in the USA and existed long before necrophilia was a fetish on every television channel in the country.