Thursday, February 26, 2009

The USA never had a problem with oppression under Bush/Cheney. We were always a nation with open access to information. Right.

President Obama is demonstrating 'Methods of Democracy' that work to bring 'the will of the people' to bear. The American people now have a relationship with the returning dead as well as their families. It comes full circle.

Michael Moore ! They may not need your stage anymore !

The video at CNN of Secretary Gates making the announcement that there is now a 'Working Group' to tackle the issue of how best does the nation serve military families. It is now up to the families to decide regarding media coverage of the transfer of bodies of their loved ones. It is a proud moment for Secretary Gates and a great moment for our country. I thank him. This is the kind of 'military coverage' the USA should receive, not just glorified soldier stories to justify 'W'rongful recruitment.

Official: Pentagon allows coverage of war coffins (click title to entry - thank you)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Pentagon will lift its ban on media coverage of the flag-draped coffins of war victims arriving at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Thursday.
But the families of the victims will have the final say on whether to allow the coverage, he said.
President Obama asked Gates to review the policy, and Gates said he decided after consulting with the armed services and groups representing military families to apply the same policy that is used at Arlington National Cemetery.
"I have decided that the decision regarding media coverage of the dignified transfer process at Dover should be made by those most directly affected -- the families," he said at a news conference....

US to reassess all weapons programs: Gates (click here)
50 minutes ago
WASHINGTON (AFP) — Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Thursday the United States was going "to reassess all weapon programs" as the new administration signaled its hopes of making budget savings.
Gates said that his department was carrying out a detailed review of the proposed defense budget for fiscal 2010 that would include a close look at weapons projects plagued by problems....