Thursday, February 26, 2009

New Era of Responsibility - Click to read Salon from January 20th - Inauguration Day

New Era of Responsibility is a 'theme' for this President and his Administration. Why is that important? Because it is a set of words that they can be held responsible to.

So far, they are proving to be important words for the President's Administration.

Above is a graph worthy to note. The reason I focus on the graph is because it clearly illustrates how the 2010 Budget is drowning in past sins before President Obama ever got a chance to adjust it for a recovery. While Republicans and Wall Streeters alike are calling for massive changes to the 2010 Budget, answer me one question. Only one question.

The one question is: "How is President Obama going to maintain all these legislated commitments AND recover the country at the same time?" It is only one question. Answer?

First 100 Days: Speech to Congress (click here)

By Steve Highsmith
updated 7 minutes ago

...2. The President jumped his start. The protocol for such addresses is that the President is announced. He enters the chamber to applause and cheers. He takes the podium. The Speaker of the House gavels the chamber to silence and formally introduces the President. More cheering and then the President begins. In this case, the President started to talk before the 2nd introduction. (That is our Barak. The man doesn't stand on ceremony.) I think he realized this and made a joke about it to Pelosi and Biden....