Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Republicans have no ideas, they only have failed policies and old rhetoric.

The lowly defender to the Republican Political Rant is Rush Limbaugh and Republican Talk Radio. Oh. That saids it all, doesn't it?

There are limited venues for returning the USA economy. The Democrats have all the in-roads to revitalizing the USA and they always have. Infrastructure changes to energy sources, transporation, health care, medical research and INVENTION. Republicans do NOT embrace new ideas, their venue is to satisfy cronies with more money for the businesses that buoy the RNC platform and elect RNC members.

The RNC has no way of recovering their party. It's over. This is more proof than any other so far. This is their new voice? Then its a familiar voice with a different face, that's all. Get over it, the Bush White House raided the USA Treasury to survive the Democratic Majority. Obama has a little more than $300 billion of Paulson's 'Bank Bailout' to redistribute to AIG and the others, I suggest he do that and do it well.

Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana in his address Tuesday.

...But the speech raised questions.
“This was the moment for him to seize the mantle with new ideas, new direction, and lay the groundwork for himself as a creative new thinker,” said Thomas Schaller, a political scientist at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. “He just used old platitudes and party clichés.”
Laura Ingraham, the talk radio host; David Brooks, the New York Times columnist; and Juan Williams of Fox News were among Mr. Jindal’s unimpressed reviewers in television commentary, while Rush Limbaugh defended the governor on his radio show. Several commentators noted that response speeches, in which a designated member of the opposition party delivers a short, canned speech with no live audience, have often been a recipe for failure.
“He went in there with high expectations, probably too high for any politician,” said David Johnson, a Republican political strategist. “Republicans are looking for a voice to lead them out of the wilderness.”
Still, Mr. Johnson said, “it was a flop.”...