Wednesday, August 31, 2005

August 19, 2005. Champaign, Illinois. This was a Global Warming storm that crossed Illinois 12 days ago. This issue needs to be addressed by the USA. It needs to be addressed now !! Our country does not have an endless treasury to support every storm that is going to come across this nation. Alaska is under stress with melting glaciers and drought. This is not the time for an administration that sees only dollars signs to business. This is the time to have a support system for us to change the destiny of this nation's future and insure a nation to our children. Please. This is not an option. We need to address Global Warming. Katrina's dynamics was feed by Global Warming. It was not a 'normal' storn at all. It's time to act against a killer. We don't have the oil anyway. It is not our fault. No one is leading into the future. They are exploiting the good nature of the people of this nation for the profits of business and rolling back regulations for the environment that actually need bolstering. I didn't make these photos up. Okay? Everyone knows this is not a normal climate for this country.  Posted by Picasa