Friday, January 21, 2005

Terrifying America. CNN's Paula Zahn has it down to a science, especially when it is happening NOW !

Here we go again.

Does everyone remember the Democratic National Convention?

Does everyone remember the 'well scripted' terror alert by an unsubstantiated source by CNN?

Does everyone remember the 'stupidity' of the attempt at CNN's propaganda?

I do.

I also remember reacting to the 'initial' reports by Paula Zahn the same as I do now.

"Oh, no, Oh, no." Terror in the way of CNN's Terror alert. A dirty bomb is coming. A dirty bomb is coming." Do you think it might be coming from Dick Cheney's hatred of the Muslim country of Iran? The 'terrorists' of Boston went form four to ten to zero.



That we are all breathing a sigh of relief, CNN's Paula Zahn a 'TERRIFIED woman' can now again be alarmed to bring all sympathies to her rescue to 'get control' over that terrible scare from Boston a big city with a real consequence if something as terrible as a Dirty Bomb occurred.

Of course, Paula is far too sensitive a woman to 'pick on' New York City as the poor people there are already traumatized enough by Bush's Hate War that manifested in 9/11. So. With Boston not having the 'smarts' of New York City of course it is a vulnerable city that needs to be more terrified as their planes were once a weapon.

Oh, my.

And of course, being it is Boston, the question of the day is 'Do you all feel safer knowing some flight marshalls and pilots carry guns?' Right, Paula. When is someone going to sue these people for 'Scripted Terror' that results in ridiculous spending of money in Boston and Massachusetts to suite the "Politics of Fear" of Cheney's Hate of Iran? There should be an investigation and reimbursement to the 'false alarms' of the federal government of unsubstantiated alerts. The people of this country are flyin' tired of the agenda and the hate.

And of course, with Cheney wanting to recruit Israel for his Hate Agenda of Iran, Paula is so concerned for us all that we will have 'suicide bombers' in the USA just like they do in Israel. We really need to get those Iranians, now, don't we.