Friday, January 21, 2005

Severe Storm in Australia / Sever commentary regarding an unfortunate president below

Gathering Storm over Woilongong, Australia Posted by Hello

This was in response to a New York Times Editorial 1.21.2005. I was astounded at the intended anestetic effect the New York Times continues propagate as 'controlled helplessness' on their part and the part of the victimized in this country. I profoundly believe the administration current occupying the Executive Branch of the USA governement is toxic to the public they 'control' and seek greater control over. Mr. Cheney boasted of his increasing 'power' as Vice President. His increasing power includes the ability to keep closed secret documents of the proceeding of his Energy Committee which included 'power brokers' from private industry. The Cheney Energy Report also included Graphic Use of the Caspian Sea as an energy source for the USA. I believe most whole heartedly that the illegal and immoral invasion into Iraq was a stepping stop to the Caspian Sea. The comments and references by Bush in his inaugural speech exudes a 'mission' that is illegal under even the USA Constitution and that is one of expansionism with invasion into sovereign lands that possess oil under the sand. A greater mission needed and certainly one of 'God' would be to extend every effort to stop the civil wars in Africa that result in genocide of the people there. THAT type of goal seems to be out of the question to Bush who seeks nothing but oil and profit and not 'moral' purposes for his nation. To acheive his goals he has gutted and is gutting the USA national Treasury, noting the very early resignation of his first Secretary of the Treasury even after the trauma of 9/11.

I hold Bush responsible for the attacks of 9/11 as the insitgator of it. He launched MDS on a Saturday in full public view long before the interceptor system was close to being ready. Any president in the history of this country never unveiled a weapon or weapon system until it was perfected. Bush didn't care about the protection of the people of this country he wanted an incident to send the country reeling into chaos and into war. He achieved such an incident with the successful attacks of 9/11. There were reports by the FBI noted by Senator Diane Feinstein regarding warnings of the impending attacks. Bush/Cheney ignored them. They ignored them for a purpose.

For this reason and other reasons they are pathologic and the world at every turn needs to defend from them. Prevention of war is paramount if we are to stop Global Warming and the deadly storms resulting from them.

My Reply to Bush's Inauguration Day

The Most Miserable Man on Earth

"The individual who occupies the White House is almost always at the center of American political life, but Inauguration Day is about the presidency, not the president..."


It is plainly obvious those that see this administration as benevolent to the country and the world are completely out of touch with everything except an ideologue's ego. It's a shame really to come to the reality that people in this country actually need someone to tell them what is right and best. The country has been lead around by the nose for four tragic years and there is every indication that will continue. I feel sorry for people. I couldn't be more sincere. Half the country can't be wrong.

As an ideologue, Georgie remains in a world of his own making where he believes the USA is still the pinnacle of success and freedom when nothing is more from the truth. This country has never been in worse condition in every way. The USA has taken a face of 'Anti-Social' and 'Criminal' and I don't know if the world has had a greater enemy. At a time when the environment has become enemy number one Bush sees nothing more important than 'being a Boy Scout.'

The tragedy around the world is profound and the list far to long to list here, but, the natural disasters alone have killed hundreds of thousands of people in just the recent month.
The political tragedies coudln't be worse with the top of the list being the genocide in Dafur. It was Tony Blair who took the day, yesterday, in my opinion and not Bush. His analogy of Africa to the Indian Ocean Tsunami is a profound reality that should have been sounded from Washington, DC and not London. I believe the word Africa did not come off the lips of Walker Bush once yesterday from what I can discern in my inattention. Mr. Blair stated the African reality is that there is the amount of deaths per week equivalent to the deaths from the tsunami every week in Africa. He was poignant yesterday in the face of his Coalition counter part and I personally appreciate his dedication to purpose and reaching out to those of us in this country with a conscience and not an ideology. Thank you, Mr. Blair.

On the opposite political pole are the successes as those in The Ukraine. It is a relief to the suffering and even more so when one realizes the people of that country achieved it on their own and with a peaceful agenda having courts that backed them up even today seeking still an equitable settlement to the defeated of the election. The new president takes inauguration on Sunday.

The 'real' issues that could have been addressed yesterday at every turn weren't but deferred to ego driven role models.

No, thank you. The revenge of the weather was the greatest of satisfaction for me.

The time I invested in the political events of the last couple of days amount to a brief amount of time and yet I have a complete understanding of the agenda of this administration. It's juvenile to say the least, immature in it's fiscal responsiblity and negligent to the needs of the people of the USA while victimizing the needs of the people of Iraq and the Middle East. But, then that is what a child does, narcisstically victimizes their parents to find out what reality is all about. Hence, Georgie's ideologies.

I found the coverage at Michael Moore's site far more informing than anything anywhere else including the Sugar Coating New York Times. Michael has captured the day from the viewpoint of the other HALF of the nation. A complete one half of this country is not represented in DC. That is amazing, unfortunate and in my opinion dangerous.

Ideologues are chronically the most miserable people in the world.

They shoot horses, don't they?