Monday, September 02, 2024

NASA does it better.

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Quite frankly with Musk sidling up to China he is a national security risk. 

The privatized space program is a waste of money. I have to wonder about the militarized Space Force. What is the Space Force doing that is unique beside chasing down UFO myths that fuel tabloid news? I suppose NASA Director Bill Nelson and the Joint Chiefs need to report their facts and opinions to Congress to get these expensive programs under control.

The asteroid intercept program is certainly worth its weight in gold and could be considered a national security dynamic and assigned to the Space Force. But, the ever growing number of federal agencies assigned to the word “space” somewhere in their title or purpose has to be reviewed for it’s worthiness, costs, and trajectory into the future on all costs of purpose, realistic outcomes, and national importance.

The exoplanet exploration services are certainly a national interest that contains costs and has noble purpose. But, other programs need to be reviewed. The moon exploration programs aren’t realistic. Mars is a far better venture than any damage to our moon. Mining Mars is a more realistic program than damaging Earth’s largest satellite.

It is time to review how and why we are spending money on space. National security for NASA still has to be the first priority. The UN and the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty should be a concern included with any NASA national security focus.

To be honest, Russia has always sought to out nuclear the Free World. Every time I read about the latest Russian nuke device I think, “Oh, another one.” 

Russia has by far constructed enormous bombs that dwarf any our alliance has created. But, such ventures by Russia were more about its own leaders’ insecurity than any worthwhile weapon. Russia’s doomsday weapons are only going to backfire and destroy what Russia’s leaders state they are trying to protect.

Someday, Russia and the other four permanent nuclear nations will summit to bring about a realistic view of the world and the future of beloved children. No Free World country wants to worry about Russian borders. It is virtually impossible to secure a country that size. Russia needs to grow up. The communism that exists in Russia and China is barely a century old and they actually think they know how to effectively govern.

This sort of summit should be easy to bring together as the copy cat communists always think they are going to learn something that will demise the Free World.

By the way, Happy Labor Day. Russia far from has the corner on celebrating a labor movement.

But, USA space interests must include safety of Earth and the future of returning and protecting climate.