Tuesday, September 03, 2024

What really happened at the USA southern border…

…was Republican politics to instill fear of “the other.” Not that there isn’t a mass immigration problem, but, it is global. Often it is because of climate, sometimes war, but, Venezuela is a primary example of an out of control authoritarian government that citizens fear.

Was the current administration doing nothing? Not hardly. The Democrats have recognized the immigration crisis for a long time and were trying to pass a huge paradigm shift in the law.

(Click here)

When the Republicans sabotaged this bill in the USA Senate to continue fear mongering politics, President Biden took the essence of the bill and wrote a presidential order.

(Click here

The date on this information release regarding the presidential order is July 16th, shortly after May 24, 2024 ( click here) when the bill was defeated in the Senate.

So, the truth be known the Republican political policy of “fear of the other” is what has been happening at the USA border. Nothing else. The current administration was expecting the bill to pass to achieve what President Biden has accomplished in only a few months. 

The American people have no one to blame for any of their concerns at any USA border except Trump and his congressional minions and their strategy of using fear as a political tool.