Wednesday, August 14, 2024

This is a violation of Environmental Justice.

Environmental Justice (click here)

The City of Richmond, California is contemplating a deal with Chevron that would allow the refinery to continue to pollute, but, will accept $50 million per year for ten years to help pay the health care bill of those their pollution injures.

9 October 2019
By Susie Cagle

...The refinery processes (click here) nearly 250,000 barrels of crude oil each day. When it “flares”, as it did more often in 2018 than in any other year over the past decade, dark smoke spirals up and across town in the bay breeze.

When it explodes, like it did in 1989, 1999 and 2012, the thick cloud is visible across the bay and beyond, a blot against the sky that ascends before falling and settling on everything within a multi-mile vicinity that is not covered, closed or sealed up....


August 14, 2024
By Sierra Lopez

The Chevron plant explosion (click here) and the refinery is still allowed to operate.

...State data shows Richmond residents (click here) have some of the highest rates of asthma in the state, an illness linked to refinery particulate matter along with bronchitis and other respiratory illnesses. Each year, between five and 11 people die prematurely in the city because of emissions from Chevron, according to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. The air district also estimates that health impacts from the refinery cost the area between $52 million and $118 million annually.

If the agreement is approved, Chevron would pay $50 million annually to the general fund for the first five years, followed by $60 million annually the last five. The city would retain its right to impose new taxes on Chevron and other businesses, but the settlement payments would be credited toward what the refinery would owe.

“Chevron and the City Attorney, supported by a City Council ad hoc committee, have negotiated a settlement agreement that would end the current lawsuit and the threat of new ones,” according to a staff report prepared by City Attorney Dave Aleshire....

I am confident none of this was passed through California regulators to even know if it is legal to allow pollution, expecting health problems, and taxing the polluter for  the health care costs. There is something every wrong with this picture. I doubt if the people of Richmond actually understand what they are voting on if the ballot imitative goes through.

The federal EPA needs to chime in on this mess. Chevron cannot be allowed to continue to make people sick.