Wednesday, August 14, 2024

IPSOS is a French Polling Company

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I have a great deal confidence in the New Democratic Party leaders to win the presidential elections, it is important to cover all the bases of undecided, independent, and Republican. 

IPSOS is taking into account the fact Trump has planned a path forward that does not include the popular vote. Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight had Hillary winning with 65 percent of the vote. 

Just be careful. The economy is always weighted more heavily in USA politics. Also, what IPSOS didn’t discuss was the level of corruption Trump has been able to instill in the election process over the past four years.

Currently, FiveThirtyEight has the Electoral College a toss-up and that is a change since Kamala entered the race. 

I believe any “Swift Boating” of Tim Waltz will fail. He is simply too great to be undone. He kept his promise to focus on those that serve. He became a member of Veterans Affairs Committee when he was a Congressman. 

He spent decades serving in the National Guard, far longer than even George W. Bush.

The Democratic National Convention starts in a few days. The momentum will be incredible. But, leave no stone unturned going forward because the corruption of Trump is considerable with four years of planning.