Monday, November 07, 2022

The Republicans are tossing out their own ballots. NICK is voting absentee and most likely Republican.

November 7, 2022
By Amy Gardner and Emma Brown

The lawsuits (click here) coincide with a systemic effort by GOP leaders to persuade voters to cast ballots in person, not absentee

Republican officials and candidates in at least three battleground states are pushing to disqualify thousands of mail ballots after urging their own supporters to vote on Election Day, in what critics are calling a concerted attempt at partisan voter suppression....

What makes Republicans think people listen to the instructions they provide? That is extremely narcissistic to think voters are actually listening to voters. Nick isn't listening to anyone. He completely goes by how his life is rolling out and if he doesn't like it he votes for the opposite party. He is voting by absentee ballot.

Those Republicans that want the party members to vote in person is a form of oppression. It is a strategy that is very illegal. Carrying out ballot purges while advocating only one day of voting is oppressing the vote. The voting is open only a limited number of hours to vote on election day. By demanding people only cast their vote in person is really oppressing the electorate. If this is Republicans that are following those rules, there is a chance there simply won't be enough votes cast.

Limiting votes to one day and in only polling places will eliminate voters that are fully engaged in the process, but, find the one particular day very inconvenient. That is especially true of 2 to 3 income families. They simply are unable to wait in long lines to vote. It is not only unethical and irresponsible, it is a deliberate strategy to eliminate the opportunity to vote for low and lower middle income families. 

Those running for office should be encouraging all voters to exercise their rights and in a way that is easiest for them. Any other message is completely unethical. No candidate should give the impression elections can be rigged.