Monday, November 07, 2022

I am quite certain this is a philosophy not frequently heard. Perhaps it is more Republican in nature.

In speaking to my homeless veteran friend yesterday I found out he isn't destitute. I don't know why he prefers living in his car, but, evidently it is a life he enjoys. Maybe it is all the fresh air.

But, at any rate I asked if he had voted yet. He stated, "No. But, I have read all the issue votes and there are three out of four I will vote "no." He stated he did his homework and read every word of the proposals and there are some aspects of the issues he didn't like and will not see them pass with his vote.

But, as to voting for candidates this is what he said, "I don't really worry about the particular candidate. They are all alike. Voting is like flushing a toilet. If you don't like the current officials or the programs, just don't vote for them, vote for the other party. If they are worse then vote the other guys back in the next time." 

I stated that is not any way to run a country. That candidates can be honest or corrupt. The particular candidates do matter and it is the choice of one candidate that brings on responsible government.

He said, "Nope. They are all alike. They are all corrupt. It is just a matter of whether or not we can live with them in office. It is just like flushing the toilet. Out with the stinkers and onto new menus."

If that is the way Americans vote, no wonder the country has issues.