Monday, October 10, 2022

Meet Nick, a MAGA Republican

I think he came to trust me because I heard something wrong with his car engine and he had it checked out. I was correct, there was something wrong with the engine and it needed to be rebuilt. He has six months left on the lease, so this discovery was very timely.

Nick is thinking about buying the car now. He said they did a lot of work on the car under the lease and it should be good to go for some time to come.

Nick's car is important to him because it is where he lives as a homeless veteran.

So, the conversation started and it got heated very quickly. Oh. Nick is Caucasian. The heated talk was over guns. There is a video he sent me before this conversation that I have to dig out to realize the tricks to the trade of the gun industry. Nick thought the video, which are numerous, are fact and the scientific way to think about weapons of war. What he doesn't realize is the video gives permission to think of people as strong enough to survive nearly any gun ammunition type. 

But, this conversation is not about that. It is about Nick. 

continued in next entry...