Tuesday, February 08, 2022

The Kangaroo Courts

That is the way the Supreme Court is treating the state courts. There was a decision in North Carolina by its Supreme Court (click here) that the redistricting by the legislature is gerrymandered and unconstitutional. It will be appealed and the state decision overturned. The Robert's Court is leaning into the legislature as the quintessential answer to more and more of it's rulings. We are seeing it with abortion and now redistricting. The North Carolina decison, if overturned, will begin to scream of politics rather than the USA Constitution.

If there is a leaning to the political right, it will be all that more obvious that a conservative Supreme Court with it's current members compromises the country, in that, States Rights will overturn many decisions and cause disharmony in enforcing laws. The Texas vigilante law will begin to show up more and more and in more areas of law. The Texas vigilante law prevents a citizen from MIGRATING to other states to receive services illegl in Texas. That is not a United States of America and criminalizes citizens living productive lives that otherwise would never have legal problems.

The Robert's Court is becoming a governing problem.

February 8, 2022
By Adam Liptak

Washington - The Supreme Court on Monday (click here) reinstated an Alabama congressional map that a lower court had said diluted the power of Black voters, suggesting that the court was poised to become more skeptical of challenges to voting maps based on claims of race discrimination.

The vote was 5 to 4, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. joining the court’s three liberal members in dissent.

The Supreme Court’s brief order, which included no reasoning, was provisional, staying a lower court’s decision while the case moves forward. The justices said they would hear Alabama’s appeal of the lower court’s ruling, but they did not say when....