Tuesday, February 08, 2022

The Carillo Case is about interstate traffiking of firearm modifications.

These cases are about a few things, like an adverse element in the USA military, but, also in gun sales and gun sale parts across state lines. Both these men killed police officers with modified weapons facilitated by a West Virginia gun dealer. How does a state stop this malicious activity from other states? Basically, by using Texas vigilante laws. 

The federal government should be ending this type of interstate commerce and certainly should end the sale of these modifications and illegal guns internationally. However, the Republicans in the federal authority refuse to do their job and end the conflict of laws between states, in this case, to protect police officers. The Republicans do nothing but obstruct what is the diligent work of other legislators to end such laws that are advantageous to violence.

The Political Right Wing in this country is fomenting hate and providing gaps in interstate laws that faciliate interstate sales of weapons and their modifications.

The politics of violence and anti-government directed sentiment is now pervasive with Republicans and it is disrupting our governance. McConnell likes to brag he can stop Democrats and that is his strength as a majority or minority leader and the basis of his fund raising. That is highly irresponsible and abuse of power. Why isn't he censured for his abuses?

It doesn't matter if Republicans beat back a censure, it matters that the investigation of ethics violations exist and the charges are brought forward. Abuse of power is written all over the US Senate including Rand Paul that insights killers to act. This is ridiculous. Words matter. Votes matter at least for Republicans.

February 7, 2022

San Francisco - A former Air Force sergeant (click here) plans to change his not guilty plea in the fatal shooting of a federal security officer in Northern California during 2020 protests against police brutality, court records filed Monday showed.

Steven Carrillo, 33, pleaded not guilty in July 2020 in the killing of David Patrick Underwood, who was shot on May 29, 2020, while he stood in a guard shack in front of a federal building in Oakland....

...Prosecutors say Carrillo had ties to the “boogaloo” movement, a concept embraced by a loose network of gun enthusiasts and militia-style extremists. The group started in alt-right culture on the internet with the belief that there is an impending civil war, according to experts.

Authorities accused Carrillo of fatally shooting Underwood from a white van after developing a plot with Robert Alvin Justus Jr., of Millbrae. The pair is accused of driving to Oakland and taking advantage of the distraction afforded by protesters marching through the city’s downtown. Justus drove the van, authorities said....