Wednesday, December 09, 2020

This is pure unadulterated corruption including the dangerous propaganda of the Epic Times.

 The Epic Times is stoking the propaganda of  hatred and confusion (click here) They are propagating lies and the political right-wing is diving in to secure their presidential pardons if you need one, like the Texas AG.

The Texas AG will seek argurment from the submisions of the four states he is victimzing. Got that? He will look for a reason to carry out his form of politics by reading through the submissions. The four states need to file their answers, but, the Texas AG will use those submissions to grow his arguments.

The four states involved in the accusations are hero states defending the USA and their state constitutions. Whatever happened to States Rights?

The Epic Times must allow equal access to opposing view points. That is the prime way into the closed door corruption that cuts off many Americans from the truth. There should be groups that specialize in equal opportunity for right wing media. It is the only way of getting the truth to their viewers and readers.