Wednesday, December 09, 2020


It is called fraud. They have to be arrested and tamperng with a secure website carries penalties.

8 December 2020
By Mary Kekatose

A new smartphone tool (click here) that will track the first American patients to get the coronavirus vaccine may be vulnerable to manipulation.

The technology, which was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is called V-SAFE.

It will use text messages and web surveys so the first immunization recipients in the US can report any symptoms or side effects they are experiencing.

But a report from The Washington Post says federal and state health officials are worried that hackers or anti-vaxxers could access the CDC's system and use it to file false and misleading reports about the safety of the shots....

That said, all precautions need to be in place especially with these people. If they are known to be spreading the virus and refuse the injection they are quarantined until they are well again and/or have taken the vaccine and have immunity. Quarantines can be enforced. As more and more Americans SAFELY obtain immunity with the vaccines, these extremists will stand out like a sore thumb. They will become pariahs. That is not planned, but, this is a dangerous virus and it will occur.

Law enforcement will be involved with them and their children need to be vaccineated before entering a school environment. 

Why were anti-vaxxers giving testimony in Congress? Political theater. These are the crackpots that vote for Republicans. The Republicans know when their base may decide they need to move to the left and get vaccinated. Do Republicans want that to happen? No. So they hold hearings to perpetuate the fear. Anti-vaxxers are afraid of vaccines. That is what these hearings are about. I have yet to witness any real information coming out of Republican committee meetings that feature extremists.

Anti-vaxxers are not a religion so they can be held responsible for behavior that adversely effects other Americans.

Political theater to preserve votes. That is what Republicans and their extremists are all about.