Wednesday, September 16, 2020

"Pay as you go" means those with illness have the expense.

Trump has no health care plan on paper, as there was the ACA. There are no contractual involvement.

Please don't give him the benefit of the doubt. He is an extremist.

There is a movement within some states to remove insurance payments for major diagnostic tools, such as a CT Scan. Clinics with these scans are stating, "It only costs $300.00." They point out that payments by customers with health care insurance can reach $300.00 anyway with co-pays, etc. They are advocating "pay as you go" and not a formal CONTRACTUAL plan.

There are frequently advertisements to consumers for diagnostic services that cost less than $200. They do all sorts of tests based on THE REQUEST for testing, not the INDICATION for testing.

It is my opinion that is why Trump isn't releasing a plan because if he were to get a second term and possibly a third, he will end contractual health care insurance policies.

I might add, Russia conducts medical procedures to "the herd." The best example was laser surgery to eyes to eliminate the need and cost of eyeglasses. The "Pay as You Go" method is not different, just based on capitalism. People will fear they need the testing and will seek it regardless of indications. "The herd" will respond out of fear. Profits will be made.