Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Who are the investors to United Launch Alliance? It is never clear if Russia and/or China oligarches are involved at some level.

It is worrisome when a major and trusted company simply drops out of a program. The Space Force is a new entity in the military and it is troubling it is carrying this level of weight with decision-makers. I am all about competition, but, this is an alarming result. Trump asked NASA if they would have a manned Mars mission in his four years. I am concerned there are shortcuts being pushed for whatever reason the politicians decide are important.

What also worries me is the very casual relationship McConnell and Trump enjoy with other countries primarily considered enemies to the USA. 

September 14, 2020
By Stephen Clark

Northrop Grumman (click here) says it will not continue development of the OmegA rocket after the U.S. Space Force last month picked United Launch Alliance and SpaceX as the military’s two top launch contractors over the next seven years.

A company spokesperson said Sept. 9 that Northrop Grumman is not protesting the Space Force’s decision in the National Security Space Launch competition.

“We have chosen not to continue development of the OmegA launch system at this time,” Northrop Grumman said. “We look forward to continuing to play a key role in National Security Space Launch missions and leveraging our OmegA investments in other activities across our business.”

Northrop Grumman proposed the OmegA launch system to the Pentagon in a competition for lucrative contracts to haul national security satellites into orbit. Blue Origin, SpaceX, and United Launch Alliance were the other competitors....