Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Where is the EPA?

The USA needs a lesson out of the lives of the Chinese. The Chinese frequently wear masks WHEN THEY CAN SEE THE AIR. WHITE AIR. It chokes them and they need masks, but, not the same kind of masks that serve as a good face covering for the virus. The masks Americans need outside are "particulate masks with a filter."

That is why the EPA should be in the country MEASURING the PARTICULATE SIZE in the smoke throughout the country. A lot of Americans understand particulate masks when they are involved in home renovation or using spray paint. Those masks may not be enough in ending the assault of the CONTAMINATED AIR. 

I guarantee you, there are hospital emergency rooms flooded with children with asthma. There are adults there as well. Asthma can become very severe and people are on ventilators to help them breath.

If parents want to protect their children outside, it means using a particulate mask that works to prevent inhalation of the contamination. Here again, the O2 (click here) mask has a strong filter that takes care of that problem.

Now, that smoke is going to make it into every home along the way. The thing is this, the contamination will be mostly invisible rather than white air. Homes will filter the air as it exchanges with the outside, so the CONCENTRATION of the white air is less, that doesn't mean the contaminants are less. Every home in the USA will need a home air purifier until the contamination stops.

EPA under Trump will probably deny any need for special masks or that asthma is a problem for hospitals or that there is a need for home air purifiers. I fully expect the US EPA under Trump to do nothing but DENY and/or diminish the seriousness of the air contamination. WHAT IS NEEDED BY THE EPA and these are the people that work in the field, not from Washington, DC; IS A MEASUREMENT OF THE PARTICULATE SIZE OF THE CONTAMINATION. The size of the particulates will determine the degree of filtration needed by Americans both inside their home environment and outside.

Until provided by car manufacturers in the owner's manual wear particulate masks in the car. Not just the driver, but, all people in the car. Perhaps even "Spot" may need a mask if the dog will wear one.


I am not endorsing any product. As a matter of fact, I do not have this product in my home. Most of the time there are Air Purifiers that are reasonably priced with good shopping.

ALWAYS BEWARE OF FRAUD AND THE HYSTERIA THAT GOES ALONG WITH IT. Buying poor products or falling for fear-driven products could lead to problems without achieving the protection consumers are looking for in their hard-earned money expenditures.

Deal with reputable people and stores, online or otherwise.

ProtonPure (click here) ended up being leagues ahead of all the other air purifiers we tried..

It passed every test with flying colors, including the most important one – purifying air at home to improve our health and well being.

Much of ProtonPure’s killer benefits are due to the advanced, ultrasonic HEPA technology it uses, which has never been seen in an air purifier until now. The other devices need to take note – this is the technology we need in 2020.

Under controlled testing, ProtonPure destroyed more harmful germs and bacteria than any other device, eliminating over 99% of them in just a few minutes. For such a small device, the results were remarkable to say the least....