Monday, September 14, 2020

Let's get a few things straight.

Black bears are turning up regularly in swimming pools. They prefer built-in pools. They hold up better to their weight when they enter the pool.  They are doing that to cool off.

Black bears have an interesting way to determine whether or not anyone else, including other bears, are civilized or a threat. They are first scared and run away. As soon as they come to the conclusion they have the upper hand, they come back and end the interaction, usually in killing those that believe they chased away the bear.

In this video, the man is asleep. The bear explores the idea that the man needed to be handled in order for the bear to enjoy his swim uninterrupted. He initially inspected the man's foot. If the man had not woken up the next move by the bear would be to bit the toe-off what may have been a dead person. Bears never bite as dogs do, they bite to eat.

Black bears are cute. They may even appear friendly. They never are. They simply are sizing up the opposition.

Brown bears are also known as Grizzly bears. Kodiak bears are a subspecies of brown bear. They are not at all friendly. They know they are the strongest kid on the block. Black bears not so much.

These are the paws of Brown bears. Are you really going to wait to find out if they are friendly? The wildlife rangers handle these issues with bears. Do not entertain the idea bears are cuddly.