Monday, September 14, 2020

"It takes a village."

September 14, 2020
By Abigail Becker

Madison voters (click here) worried about mailing their absentee ballot through the U.S. Postal Service could consider dropping them off at one of over 200 city parks during two upcoming events.

Save the date!

On Sept. 26 and Oct. 3, over 1,000 poll workers will be stationed at 206 park facilities to accept absentee ballots, serve as witnesses and register voters at Democracy in the Park events.

“The idea came because voters were very concerned about being able to return their ballot, and we wanted to make it easy and something that would be available in each neighborhood,” City Clerk Maribeth Witzel-Behl said at a press conference Sept. 3. “What is in basically every neighborhood in Madison is a park.”

Last month, President Donald Trump acknowledged he intended to starve the Postal Service of funds in an attempt to impede mail-in voting, which he has claimed without evidence will lead to widespread voter fraud....

No more Florida Spring Break as it becomes a Super Spreader.

September 14, 2020
By Kelly Meyerhofer

UW-Madison (click here) may scrap spring break from next semester's calendar to curb the spread of COVID-19.

The university's Faculty Senate will vote on a revised spring 2021 calendar at a 3:30 p.m. meeting Monday.

The idea behind eliminating the break midway through the semester is to discourage long-distance travel where students and employees could pick up the virus elsewhere and bring it back to campus.

UW-Madison leaders floated the idea in late August to the University Committee, which meets more regularly than the larger Faculty Senate body. Members seemed generally supportive of the changes proposed by Provost John Karl Scholz.

"I realize the slog of of going through a full 15 week semester with no break would be challenging but given the vagaries of the pandemic, particularly in cold weather when people are indoors and the like ... I'm enthusiastically supportive," Scholz said, referring to the revised calendar....