Thursday, August 27, 2020

Trump is going to have a very big bill to the tax collector.

According to the Chicago Tribune the New York Attorney General Donald J. Trump gained income  in the amount of $100 million when his high interest lender, Fortress Credit Corp. agreed to a $48 million payoff on a $150 million loan. That unpaid loan is income. It is very, very taxable.

It looks like three other properties are in question besides the Trump Tower in Chicago.

If this is Trump’s methodology to obtain and maintain his million-billions, he will be on the hook for a whole lot of money to the tax collectors at all levels of government. 

You know, the Robert’s court is wrong in denying the US House, responsible for the US budget, access to Trump’s tax records. The USA has a right to examine records under confidentiality laws income due the US Treasury.

This case in New York State is only the beginning. There will be more and more interest and requests for more and more records from many other sources. Trump is a criminal and guilty of tax evasion.  That was the weakness in the untouchable Al Capone.