Thursday, August 27, 2020

CDC changed guidelines...

 ...regarding self-quarantine to those entering the country. That is a curiosity to me, except, many other countries are not having a problem with COVID-19 as the USA. Two weeks quarantine is a long time for a business traveler, all in all the revised recommendation is worrisome.

The new recommendation to go without testing if asymptomatic but believed to have been exposed only makes sense if the tests themselves are in short supply.

I cannot state strongly enough that the safest place is to “Stay at home.” A lot of people especially those at highest risk are avoiding contact. It works. If people wear masks when outside the home they will improve the ability to stay safe.

WEARING MASKS OUTSIDE THE HOME REMINDS OTHERS TO WEAR ONE AS WELL. I have witnessed that for myself. When going out to run routine errands and wearing a mask, others that simply see me put on their mask as well. It is true that human nature includes mimicking in a social setting and wearing masks is a good thing to mimic. Social mimicking is about acceptance. Wearing masks in social settings is an excellent mimic and so is social distancing.

I have noticed as well that babies and young children are in the strollers without a face covering while the parents are wearing theirs. I think the American people are getting mixed messages about face masks and the vulnerability of children and infants. Pediatricians should be advising parents about facial covers/masks for their children. I cannot say I have noticed special masks or face coverings for children for sale either.