Wednesday, August 19, 2020

She never stops being that international citizen.

February 25, 2020
By Stephen Schaefer

Berlin - Is Hillary Rodham Clinton (click here) breaking another barrier by being the first-ever former first lady and secretary of state to show up at the Berlin International Film Festival to promote a series?

Clinton is the intimate focus of “Hillary,” Nanette Burstein’s four-hour, four-part documentary profile. The premise, Burstein said, acknowledges that Clinton is a divisive figure and tries to answer the question, Who is the real person?

But Monday’s press conference began with questions not about “Hillary” but the Harvey Weinstein guilty verdicts — the disgraced producer was a major donor to her 2016 Presidential campaign.

“I think the jury verdict speaks for itself,” Clinton said. “It is obviously something people have followed because it was time for an accounting.”...

Her message tonight was spot on. She is still "Hillary" and the Clintons are still "Hill and Bill." They always will be. Their dedication to this country was for a lifetime. We will never know the brilliant policies she would have successfully carried out as President of the USA. The country would have been safe from SARS-CoV-2. I am confident of that.

There is a US Senate report published. She was leveraged against by Russia. That cannot occur again. There is no current legislation to ensure the voting in 2020 is absolutely safe. Reports are always interesting, but, action is more important.