Tuesday, April 07, 2020

I don't see anymore spending packages being passed by Congress UNTIL Trump abides by the legislation honorably.

The US Senate limited Trump's ability to wage war with Iran, they and the US House need to rein him in with the powers to remove Inspector Generals for political purposes. He is endangering lives in the USA with his antics.

It is extremely obvious Trump is turning the White House into his political headquarters with the new press secretary and all the movement of IGs.

If the legislature doesn't end this mess now, I don't see anymore spending legislation anytime before the election. He is killing people.

Make one legislative package for the most effected states such as New York, as a BLOCK GRANT and get out of the way. Trump can't screw that up.

Specifically, state in the federal legislation $$$$ go to New York State, etc., immediately upon entering into law.

April 4, 2020

President Trump (click here) late Friday shook up the federal inspector general community by firing one of its stalwarts and announcing his intention to nominate five new IGs, including one to oversee the government’s pandemic response.

Trump notified Congress late Friday night that he was removing Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson from his position within 30 days. Atkinson drew White House condemnation after he alerted Congress last September—as required by law—to the whistleblower complaint that led to Trump’s impeachment.

In his letter to Congress, obtained by the Washington Post, Trump wrote: “It is vital that I have the fullest confidence in the appointees serving as inspectors general. That is no longer the case with regard to this inspector general.”

Michael Horowitz, chairman of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency and the Justice Department IG, blasted the move in a statement early Saturday:...

Specifically, mimic the state's moral mission to the people. We are looking at governors being supported again. The states can also assist farmers that can grow the food needed for the people of the state. PRESERVE FARMLAND and investigate any bankruptcy for the cause over the past three years. It is about returning function and not politics.

I will be honest, the Non-GMO farmers are still productive because they sell to a specific market and that has not ended. It is a good place to start within the parameters of state government.

April 7, 2020
By Anna Patrick

Second Harvest’s team in Pasco (click here) wanted to try a new way to hand out food, so they made an event on Facebook.

“250 FREE food boxes will be distributed Tuesday, March 24 for anyone in need” the message said. No IDs required. No proof of need. Just show up, and you’ll receive a box.

Vehicles began arriving hours before the 3:30 p.m. pickup. The line grew so long “it started to snarl traffic from the Port of Pasco to King City,” said Jason Clark, the president and CEO of Second Harvest.

They ran out of food in about 40 minutes.

“The economic shock is just so sudden,” Clark said of the coronavirus pandemic. “I expect that we’re going to see a lot more people in food bank lines.”...