Tuesday, April 07, 2020

...as to the inflammatory response...

First, I hope the ACTING secretary of the navy is resigning. Every officer in the USA military should be measuring the migration of the SARS-coV-2 (The virus leading to COVID-19) into the ranks of those they command. It is important to maintain their health throughout the entirety of the USA military.

...today on the market are injections people can take to reduce the immune response of conditions such as Crohn's disease. I cannot help but believe these immune suppressants should be introduced "in trial" with COVID-19 on or off a ventilator.

It is being found that the heart is also effected by this virus.

It should be stated also that the "Gates Foundation" (click here) is beginning human trails with a vaccine. 

I believe the virus attacks the nervous system as it's preferred internal environment for replication. The early signs are red eyes and a severe headache after exposure. Now, there is some report of hallucinations. All those are neurological and the heart has a nerve system as well.

The body's reaction is normal, but, due to the overwhelming replication of the virus of multiple body systems the body's release of cytokinins is overwhelming internal organs. The inflammation is as much an enemy as the virus. I sincerely believe we are losing patients because of the inflammation. If an immune suppressant maintains wellness, monoclonal antibodies can be introduced to end the virus. It would mean extending the trials to treat the inflammation as well as end the virus. 

People are going home after extubation in order to free up ventilators and beds. They may need to continue anti-inflammatories as common as Advil or aspirin or injectible medications.

As to heart failure

When the lungs are afflicted by any disease or organism the heart works harder. Inflammation of the heart tissue along with the added demand of less alveolar space can be causing irreparable heart damage. As the heart works harder it is also causing it's own damage. This tissue damage may not be exclusive to hospitalized patients but all that test positive for SARS-coV-2.

Here again, the real CURE for this lousy infection is a vaccine. The treatments until that time can be rather sophisticated to end the inflammation and maintain tissue health while providing immunity through "antibody acquisition."
Las Vegas is going all-in with this assault to end public transmission.

April 7, 2020
By Mary Hynes

About 100 times a day, (click here) Dr. Christopher Voscopoulos puts on and takes off his N95 mask while in the COVID-19 ward at Southern Hills Hospital and Medical Center.

All this donning and doffing, along with overseeing the intensive care unit that treats the hospital’s most seriously ill patients, make him an authority on mask do’s and don’ts at a time when health authorities are recommending that the public wear cloth masks to curb the spread of the new coronavirus.

On Monday afternoon, he offered some guidance for the public on why and how to wear a mask, including how to safely take one off....