Saturday, March 21, 2020

The US Republican Senate has its point of view backward. The people are in need of a WEEKLY check WITHOUT QUALIFICATION except they are out of work.

I do not value a company that has their hands out for a bailout and/or guaranteed loan. If a company is in such bad straights they can't survive this then their fiscal integrity needs to be looked at. What happened to the "Fitness Tes" the financial sector is supposed to be doing?

A weekly check through the existing unemployment system in each state will be far higher than a one time $1200 from the federal government. The federal government needs to be a partner to every state in the way the state needs help.

Americans out of work will have less expense per week because working has an expense including childcare. So, I have no problem with the idea that unemployment per week might be somewhat less than their usual "take-home" pay. The expenses are less and the quality of life higher because there is sold family time.

I see a few things coming out of the "home time." Parents are now spending time with their children and addressing learning together. That is a good thing. People out of work will have the opportunity to sleep and rest. That is also a good thing. Homeowners have time now to conduct repairs and/or exercise decorating ideas that they never had time for before this national emergency.

Americans currently at home have time to rest, reflect and build closeness with other family members. I hope they use this time wisely.