Saturday, March 21, 2020

So, if McConnell bails out the financial sector, does that mean everyone’s 401k will be made whole, too?

This is a national emergency that has adversely effected the American people. We don’t know where this is going yet. New York with it’s restriction on New Rochelle is showing promise. How can the US Senate even think about dumping enormous amounts of money into the markets? None of it makes sense to me. We will see where we are in another week and a half. No one has a crystal ball and the Fed is leading with recent changes. The focus has to be on the people.

What companies on the exchange have gone bankrupt? The losses are completely disproportional to reality. Every consumer focused business has an interactive internet page. Commerce is still occurring. Papa John’s is still delivering pizza. I believe it was all panic selling because there was no leadership.