Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Contagion of COVID-19 may depend on viral load and not an arbitrary 14 day period.

Viruses are RNA. They need DNA to infect their host. If the DNA has a minor difference that is not opportunistic to the virus a person can be a carrier of the infective virus without having deadly or severe illness. In this case, the baby was immune to the worst part of the coronavirus COVID-19, but, maintained a colony of it in the nose. Every breath out would expel some degree of the virus while a sneeze would expel a larger number of virus.

A common cold is a coronavirus. This infant had the symptoms of a common cold for an extended period of time while being asymptomatic for the COVID-19 virus.

"A Well Infant with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID - 19) with High Viral Load"

Kai-qian Kam, Chee Fu Yung, Lin Cui, Raymond Lin Tzer Pin, Tze Minn Mak, Matthias Maiwald, Jiahui Li, Chia Yin Chong, Karen Nadua, Natalie Woon Hui Tan, Koh Cheng Thoon

Clinical Infectious Disease, February 28, 2020

A well 6-month-old infant with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (click here) had persistently positive nasopharyngeal swabs to day 16 of admission. This case highlights the difficulties in establishing the true incidence of COVID-19 as asymptomatic individuals can excrete the virus. These patients may play important roles in human-to-human transmission in the community....

PDF (click here)