Wednesday, February 05, 2020

There is only one conclusion to be made about the US Senate last night and that is the majority backs White Supremacy and intends to continue to indulge Trump’s fantasies.

He said nothing concrete last night. Simply planting trees while building a resort hotel that will damage the ecosystem at the Grand Canyon is not going to stop the climate crisis. Major economic structural changes in policy must take place. The petroleum industry is not a viable option anymore.

There was nothing to latch on to that remotely tries to cross the divide of the country. He did nothing to bring people together or account in any way for his permanent impeachment.

Yet, the Senate applauded to cover the shame.

It sure wasn’t about the truth, the country or the US Constitution. The Republicans indulged a man that assaulted the nation security of Ukraine and the USA.

Republicans ALWAYS say it is about politics. Everything is politics all the time. They violated the oath of impeachment and last night it was obvious. There must be a reason. It sure isn’t a wholesome one.